Aktualny czas UTC:

Zakrycia brzegowe

Regular observations of grazing occultations commenced in the 

Pierwsza brzegówka - ZC 657 w dniu 23 stycznia 1706 r przez Cassiniego , obserwatorium paryskie

23 stycznia 1793 Prusy dokonały zaboru Gdańska (II Rozbiór Polski)

The first ‘true’ grazing occultation was observed by D Koch in Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland). It was a northern-limit graze of Aldebaran, observed on 1794 Mar 7, at around 19h 24m UT. Koch observed 5 events. A disappearance “D” a reappearance “R” 10 secs later, D after another 4 or 5 secs, then a rapid R and D sequence. Koch then watched for about 30 secs before taking his eye away from the scope to write down what he saw. When he looked back, the star had reappeared. Koch clearly understood that the events were caused by valleys on the edge of the moon.


On December 4, 1970 the graze of ι Capricorni was observed in Central Florida and a total of 235 timings were made making it the most successful grazing occultation expedition ever.


On November 20, 1959, Jean Meeus computed and observed a graze of the star λ Geminorium from Kessel – Io, Belgium. This was the first predicted and observed grazing occultation by the Moon. Although his data were not of high quality compared to today’s standards, they did show that techniques were available to make such predictions.


Najlepsze wideo z brzegówki – https://vimeo.com/209854850