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IOTA Video Capture

  • It is specially designed to produce occultation videos using the Lagarith codec (you have to install Lagarith on your computer in a one-time installation) which is a lossless codec and greatly reduces the video size without compromising the quality of the photometry we can derive from the video.
  • Od wersji 2.2 działa na podłączonym monitorze zewnętrznym – można przesuwać okno programu pomiędzy monitorami

After advice from Russ McCormick in a PM the problem was fixed:

Start the IOTA Video Capture application.
Select the Options->Devices sub-menu.
Uncheck the box “Use defaults for known devices at application startup”.
Exit the IOTA Video Capture application and restart it.
Select the Options->Devices sub-menu.
Select the USB Grabber, the size 720 x 576, then click the “PAL” radio button
Check the “Use highlighted…” box
Click the Save button
Restart the IOTAvideo program